Many people often assume and expect that the task of gender integration in research project is the task of Gender Focal Person. Moreover, researchers consider that it is a common knowledge about how to include gender and social diversity in the research cycle. Yet, when working in an interdisciplinary team this common knowledge about integrating gender and social diversity in the research cycle differs among researchers. ‘Gender and Social Diversity in Research Cycle’ two-day workshop organized by Purabi Bose in Nairobi, Kenya, 27-28 November 2014 To provide a platform for knowledge sharing, communication and capacity building a two-day workshop was organized on 27-28 November 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. Coordinated and co-facilitated by Dr. Purabi Bose, who is CIAT’s gender focal person for the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry, Colombia. The aim of this workshop was to share and learn through experience and practice ways to integrate gender from the inception stage of research idea, research questions, conceptual framework, methods, data collection and analysis, and ethics. The concept of ‘social diversity’ was introduced by Dr. Purabi Bose to ensure recognition of social inclusion of ethnicity, caste, class, age, education, economic background among other individual and collective identity of an individual. The workshop was limited to 20 participants and brought together a gender-balanced, multi-disciplinary, experienced and amateur gender experts, and representation from the CGIAR Centers, CGIAR Research Programs and regional partners. The participants after each steps of research cycle had to reflect how, why, when, where, with whom to integrate gender and diversity in their own research contexts. They were engaged in formulating a gender focussed key research question and grounding the interlinked concepts of gender, diversity, institutions
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Purabi Bose, Ph.D. Passionate about nature and social policy, Ms. Bose is a mountaineer/ trekker, drummer, polyglot (only ten languages), leads a less materialistic lifestyle and loves traditional cooking & feeding. She is perseverant, and values her freedom of being an independent woman. Ms. Bose is a versatile social scientist and has aptitude for creative communications. A 'people person', her academic background is in social anthropology, environmental science, food science and human development. You might be interested to read her reviews on various cultural events at Culture Call ARCHIEVES
November 2019
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