Information is not knowledge ..
According to Purabi, learning becomes valuable when we have diversity in the group. She enjoys facilitating capacity building for multicultural and interdisciplinary team. She is regularly invited as a guest speaker to give lecture and conduct workshops on forest governance, food sovereignty and human rights to land tenure in academic institutes of Europe, USA and Latin America.
Gender Writeshops Purabi designed the concept of 'Gender Writeshops' while working for the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). She has been leading gender writeshops for various groups. The writeshop have been conducted in Bogota and Cali, Colombia (2013), Nairobi, Kenya (2014) and in Mexico city, Mexico (2017). The writeshops has been helping practitioners and researchers including young scientists to broaden the scope of scientific writing skills. |
Master Class With the advent of new technologies, video lessons or lectures is becoming a norm. Purabi has been giving lectures on Food and Human Rights. In 2016, she produced this video lecture and using it for two consecutive years for undergraduate students of Wageningen University, the Netherlands. This video lecture of 45 mins is followed up with another 45 mins of interactive Q&A session with students facilitated by Prof. van der Meulen and Purabi joining via Skype. |
In 1999, as a young practitioner, I was given an opportunity to initiate the Conservation and Development for Environment Forum (CDEF). |
* International Dryland Forests Dialogues International Policy Dialogue with CIAT, the African Studies Center, Leiden and AeGIS European Network, July 2014.
Partners included from IIED, FES India KEFRI Kenya, CGIAR Consortium, CIAT, WUR, ICRAF, CIFOR, Dutch Ministry, and academicians. Netherlands Regional level Dialogue for preparing action plan on dryland forest in collaboration with CIAT and African Studies Center and AeGIS network on , 20-21 January, 2015. Kenya. Partners included KEFRI, ICRAF, CIFOR, UNEP, GIZ, academicians, and post-graduate students. * Social Science and Environmental Science: Gender Lens Lead facilitator and coordinator of the workshop for CGIAR Centers and it's regional partners. How Gender Integration in Research Cycle Matters for Social Science. 27-28 November, 2014. Kenya Lead facilitator for writeshop organized for Mexico's young researchers, social scientist and practitioners. Organized by UNAM, CRIM and Red Género, Sociedad y Medio Ambiente. 24-25 October, 2017. Mexico |
* Global Forest Tenure and Livelihoods Lead organizer and moderator of IUFRO’s panel of academic and research institutes. It was part of the IUFRO conference held in Utah from 5-11 October, 2014. USA
* Family Farms and Forest in Latin America Latin America Workshop to establish Community of Practices and gender research agenda on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry. Two days workshop, 21-22 August, 2013, held at CIAT, Cali. Delegates included USAID, Ministry of Agriculture, Ford Foundation, Rights and Resource Institute, Nitlapan, CIFOR, Bioversity International and Latin American NGOs and academic partners. Colombia Lead coordinator to discuss the research action plan for gendered dimension of small farms and forest tenure in Latin America. Participants included practitioners and academicians. August 17-20, 2014. Colombia Learn more about Purabi's recent knowledge sharing and communication events at |